Click on a topic, then click on the buttons below to explore it. MANAGING FEELINGS : Anger | Fear | Grief | Guilt | Hate | Sadness | Faith | Hope | Numbness | DEVELOPING TOLERANCE : Identifying with Others | Perspective Taking | Ethnic Conflict | Religious Diversity | Backlash Target | Bystander | Hate Crimes Perp | DOING DEMOCRACY : Patriotism | Loyalty | Dissent | Fairness | Justice | Making Decisions | Predicting Consequences

Second, become aware of internal triggers that bring on certain feelings. These are the things you say to yourself that make some feelings stronger or weaker. Like saying, "I don't have any control over anything" can make you feel more powerless and afraid, but saying, "I can't control everything, but I can control most things that affect my safety," can make you feel more calm.

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