Click on a topic, then click on the buttons below to explore it. MANAGING FEELINGS : Anger | Fear | Grief | Guilt | Hate | Sadness | Faith | Hope | Numbness | DEVELOPING TOLERANCE : Identifying with Others | Perspective Taking | Ethnic Conflict | Religious Diversity | Backlash Target | Bystander | Hate Crimes Perp | DOING DEMOCRACY : Patriotism | Loyalty | Dissent | Fairness | Justice | Making Decisions | Predicting Consequences





Watch for different preferences of your teammates. Maybe some like to pass a lot, while others work better by themselves. Do you always agree with their style of playing? Do you always agree with your coach? Think of two times you disagreed with the team plan but won anyway. What was it like?

Bring what you learned into the world. Choose an area that interests you from the group on the left.

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