Click on a topic, then click on the buttons below to explore it. MANAGING FEELINGS : Anger | Fear | Grief | Guilt | Hate | Sadness | Faith | Hope | Numbness | DEVELOPING TOLERANCE : Identifying with Others | Perspective Taking | Ethnic Conflict | Religious Diversity | Backlash Target | Bystander | Hate Crimes Perp | DOING DEMOCRACY : Patriotism | Loyalty | Dissent | Fairness | Justice | Making Decisions | Predicting Consequences

Anger becomes easier to manage when you can recognize both its effects on your body, and where it's coming from – inside and out.

To check your body for signs of anger, look for tight muscles, especially the jaw, but also the face, hands, arms and legs. Also look for hot rather than cold hands, feet, or face (that's where "hot under the collar" came from), and red or blotchy skin.

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