Click on a topic, then click on the buttons below to explore it. MANAGING FEELINGS : Anger | Fear | Grief | Guilt | Hate | Sadness | Faith | Hope | Numbness | DEVELOPING TOLERANCE : Identifying with Others | Perspective Taking | Ethnic Conflict | Religious Diversity | Backlash Target | Bystander | Hate Crimes Perp | DOING DEMOCRACY : Patriotism | Loyalty | Dissent | Fairness | Justice | Making Decisions | Predicting Consequences
Steer the boat back and forth under the UFO beam that best finishes the statement in the water. To begin, click on the boat, then use your mouse to drag it. The boat has to move through the beam to pick your answer. A right answer moves you to the next round. A wrong answer repeats the round. Keep trying until you get the right answer. After six rounds - you're done.

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