Click on a topic, then click on the buttons below to explore it. MANAGING FEELINGS : Anger | Fear | Grief | Guilt | Hate | Sadness | Faith | Hope | Numbness | DEVELOPING TOLERANCE : Identifying with Others | Perspective Taking | Ethnic Conflict | Religious Diversity | Backlash Target | Bystander | Hate Crimes Perp | DOING DEMOCRACY : Patriotism | Loyalty | Dissent | Fairness | Justice | Making Decisions | Predicting Consequences

Religion is an organized way of exploring beliefs and values about what's right and wrong. It also concerns the relationship of humans to a god or gods, and to the whole web of life.

The best known religions, like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism, share some beliefs but disagree about many others. None of them believe in injuring innocent people.

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